As technology advances, criminals continue to devise more sophisticated and hard-to-detect fraud schemes with 75% of surveyed banks stating that checks are the primary fraud target in their business. Signature verification and/or check stock comparisons are no longer enough for you to catch increasingly savvy criminals.
What payShield HSMs Do
payShield hardware security modules (HSMs) are used throughout the global payment ecosystem by issuers, service providers, acquirers, processors and payment networks. They play a fundamental role in securing payment credential issuing, user authentication, card authentication and sensitive data protection for both face-to-face and digital remote payments. The cryptographic needs of all major payments applications for contact chip, contactless chip, mobile secure elements and host card emulation applications are supported to address the evolving security standards from organizations including EMVCo, PCI SSC and GlobalPlatform as part of broader security audit compliance requirements.
For more than 30 years, Thales payment HSMs have been involved in a wide range of applications. The main role of a payShield HSM is to protect cryptographic keys and sensitive data in a highly secure manner such that the integrity of two fundamental processes is maintained:
1. Equipping consumers to make payments
Dealing with the complexity of EMV chip cards or mobile-based applications
Keeping control of critical user credential assets
Maintaining a high level of security (to avoid counterfeiting or rogue payment instruments)
2. Facilitating a secure payments process
Being able to scale quickly to handle higher transaction volumes
Ensuring that sensitive data is protected at all times
Facilitating transactions originating from a diverse range of payment instruments (with more and more no longer under bank control).